Jing's Lab for Network Systems
Welcome to Gangshan Jing’s Group!
We are interested in topics related to control, optimization and machine learning for networked systems.
- [2024-10-23] A paper is accepted by Automatica as a regular paper. Congratulations, Gen He!
- [2024-04-05] Another paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper
- [2024-03-11] A paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control as a full paper
- [2023-11-03] 2024 ICAIS & ISAS Call for Papers and Invited Sessions
- [2023-09-13] We have 7 new members joined our group, three PhD students: Lin Yuan, Tao He, Songlin Liao, and four master students: Jianglin Ding, Xinan Rong, Jinpeng Huang, and Peng Zhou. Welcome!
- [2023-08-09] A paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering!
- [2023-03-03] Joint PhD Program, Monash University & Chongqing University
- [2023-01-03] Invited Session “New Advances in Coordination Control of Multi-Agent Systems” in ISAS 2023
- [2022-08-25] Postdoc positions available
- [2022-08-25] Our website was established today
- jinggangshan@cqu.edu.cn
- A414, Information Technology Building, Huxi Campus
- School of Automation, Chongqing University